FI’s comments regarding customer relationships and confidentiality

2019-02-28 | News Money laundering Bank

SVT’s investigative journalism program Uppdrag Granskning has reported on certain transactions that occurred through Swedbank’s operations in the Baltics.

As previously announced, FI and the supervisory authorities in the Baltic countries will open an investigation into how Swedbank has managed its work related to anti-money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The type of customer relationships and transactions that were included in Uppdrag Granskning's report will be included in the investigation.

The newspaper Svenska Dagbladet is reporting that a customer in Swedbank's Baltic operations also has business dealings with Swedbank in Sweden and that FI has been informed about these dealings. FI can neither confirm nor deny this information since the information FI obtains about customers of banks under FI's supervision is subject to "absolute secrecy" in accordance with Chapter 30, section 4 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act. This means that FI is forbidden from disclosing this information.