

Emilia Högquist new head of sustainable finance at FI

Emilia Högquist is FI's new head of sustainable finance. She has worked extensively with sustainable development and comes to FI most recently from a management position at the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. As the head of sustainable finance she will be FI's spokesperson in sustainability-reated matters.


FI increases sustainability efforts with new manager

Finansinspektionen (FI) is creating a new position to strengthen its work within sustainability. Johanna Fager Wettergren will be the new Head of Sustainable Finance.

FI’s prioritised areas for 2021

Are the banks conducting thorough credit assessments when customers apply for consumer credit? Are smaller banks and payment service firms taking sufficient measures to prevent money laundering? What risks will the coronavirus pandemic pose in the future? These are three areas that Finansinspektionen (FI) will look more closely at in 2021.


US central bank joins NGFS

FI welcomes the Federal Reserve to the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), which celebrates its third anniversary today.