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Publicerad 2024-09-25 - Amortisation requirements, the LTI ratio, and the LTV cap are macroprudential policy tools that are used in Sweden and many other countries. But what are the…
Publicerad 2024-05-29 - Households continue to be under pressure from both higher interest rates and other costs. This is evident in FI’s mortgage report. The report looks at new…
Publicerad 2024-05-27 - Many smaller, unlisted commercial real estate (CRE) firms have a high loan-to-value (LTV) ratio and a low interest coverage ratio (ICR). This makes them…
FI Analysis No. 45: High risks in small and mid-sized commercial real estate firms
Publicerad 2024-05-27 - The outlook for financial stability has improved somewhat, and uncertainty has decreased, but we are still in the middle of a recession. Higher costs for both…
Publicerad 2023-11-28 - In this analysis, we estimate how much Swedish listed and larger privately owned commercial real estate firms need to reduce their debt in a climate of rising…
FI Analysis No.41: Commercial real estate firms may need to reduce their debt
Stability in the Financial System (2023:2): Adjustments to higher interest rates remain to be made
Publicerad 2023-11-28 - The higher interest rate means that households and companies need to make adjustments to their finances. Finansinspektionen (FI) is now seeing a decline in…
Stability in the Financial System 2023:2
Stability in the Financial System – Stability Assessment
FI Analysis No. 41: Commercial real estate firms may need to reduce their debt
Publicerad 2023-05-31 - Since the publication of the stability report last autumn, inflation has slowed somewhat in the large economies but is still significantly higher than the…
Publicerad 2023-03-28 - Mortgagors are under pressure from rising interest rates. At the same time, the majority of new mortgagors continue to have good margins in their personal…
Publicerad 2022-12-16 - The minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) is designed in such a way that the banks can breach it before they breach the capital…
Publicerad 2022-12-13 - In 2019, FI’s overarching mandate was expanded to include a responsibility to ensure that the financial system contributes to sustainable development. FI is…
Publicerad 2022-11-29 - High inflation has led to rapidly rising interest rates. Given the current rapid change in conditions, both participants on the financial markets and…
Stability in the financial system 2002:2
Macro-based stress tests of Swedish banks: results and method, Autumn 2022
Publicerad 2022-05-31 - Interest rates and interest rate expectations have increased in 2022 due to high and rising inflation. One sector that is vulnerable to rising interest rates…
Publicerad 2022-04-28 - In this FI Analysis, we study how the risk weight floor has impacted the banks’ lending to CRE firms using detailed lending data. The aim is to analyse…
FI Analysis 36: Has FI’s risk weight floor had an impact on banks’ CRE lending?
Publicerad 2022-04-20 - Swedish households continue to take increasingly larger loans. More new mortgagors than in previous years had both a high loan-to-income ratio and a high…
Publicerad 2021-11-23 - Sweden’s economy has largely recovered and there is good access to financing in the financial system. The Riksbank should therefore begin the phase-out of…
Publicerad 2021-06-30 - Since 2010, FI has implemented a number of macroprudential measures aimed at increasing the resilience in the financial system and subduing the risks…
Overall assessment of macroprudential measures (Summary and chapter on FI’s overall assessment)
Publicerad 2021-06-30 - The temporary amortisation exemption resulted in new mortgagors borrowing almost 4 per cent more and buying homes that were approximately 1 per cent more…
FI Analys No 34: Temporary amortisation exemption led to new mortgagors borrowing
Publicerad 2021-06-10 - The ability to borrow is beneficial to households in many ways. At the same time, debt can make their consumption more sensitive to unexpected changes in…
Publicerad 2021-06-01 - The economy is continuing to recover. Support measures have been necessary to speed up the recovery, but they need to be gradually phased out as the economy…
Publicerad 2021-03-24 - New borrowers continue to take larger mortgages in relation to their income and the value of their home. At the same time, they have good margins for…
Publicerad 2021-03-18 - Finansinspektionen has an assignment to promote the financial system’s contribution to sustainable development. The sustainability report outlines the current…
Publicerad 2021-01-19 - This FI Analysis describes how vulnerabilities from lending to non-financial firms arise and why FI needs to follow them to fulfil its assignment to safeguard…
FI-analys 27: Non-financial firms and financial stability: a description of vulnerabilities
Publicerad 2020-11-25 - The pandemic has triggered a deep economic recession in many countries, even if a slight recovery has begun. Extensive support measures have mitigated the…
Stability in the Financial System
FI Analysis 26: Macro-based credit loss model for major Swedish banks
Publicerad 2020-11-24 - Large credit losses can result in otherwise profitable banks reporting a loss. This FI Analysis describes a methodology for estimating how large credit losses…
FI Analysis No 26: Macro-based credit loss model for major Swedish banks
Publicerad 2020-11-17 - In this FI Analysis, we calculate the impact of a change to the interest deduction. The reason for this analysis is the direct link between interest deductions and households’ loans.
FI Analysis 25: Interest rate deductions and households’ loans
Publicerad 2020-11-11 - This FI Analysis describes the stress test FI used to analyse how the commercial real estate firms' financial position, and the banks' related credit risks, can be affected by a negative macroeconomic development.
FI Analysis 24: Stress test of bank lending to commercial real estate firms
Publicerad 2020-10-14 - The access of non-financial firms to credit is central for financial stability, particularly during financial crises. In recent years, the market for…
FI Analysis 23: Can the bond market dampen the credit cycle?
Publicerad 2020-06-09 - Many banks are working actively with continuity management and have implemented key measures to reduce the risk of serious disruptions. At the same time, FI…
Publicerad 2020-06-04 - The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in an exceptional stress for the real economy. Governments, central banks and supervisory authorities have implemented…
Publicerad 2020-04-02 - The percentage of new mortgagors with a high level of debt in relation to either their income or the value of the home continues to be high. New mortgagors in…
Publicerad 2024-09-25 - Amortisation requirements, the LTI ratio, and the LTV cap are macroprudential policy tools that are used in Sweden and many other countries. But what are the…
Publicerad 2024-05-29 - Households continue to be under pressure from both higher interest rates and other costs. This is evident in FI’s mortgage report. The report looks at new…
Publicerad 2024-05-27 - Many smaller, unlisted commercial real estate (CRE) firms have a high loan-to-value (LTV) ratio and a low interest coverage ratio (ICR). This makes them…
FI Analysis No. 45: High risks in small and mid-sized commercial real estate firms
Publicerad 2024-05-27 - The outlook for financial stability has improved somewhat, and uncertainty has decreased, but we are still in the middle of a recession. Higher costs for both…
Publicerad 2023-11-28 - In this analysis, we estimate how much Swedish listed and larger privately owned commercial real estate firms need to reduce their debt in a climate of rising…
FI Analysis No.41: Commercial real estate firms may need to reduce their debt
Stability in the Financial System (2023:2): Adjustments to higher interest rates remain to be made
Publicerad 2023-11-28 - The higher interest rate means that households and companies need to make adjustments to their finances. Finansinspektionen (FI) is now seeing a decline in…
Stability in the Financial System 2023:2
Stability in the Financial System – Stability Assessment
FI Analysis No. 41: Commercial real estate firms may need to reduce their debt
Publicerad 2023-05-31 - Since the publication of the stability report last autumn, inflation has slowed somewhat in the large economies but is still significantly higher than the…
Publicerad 2023-03-28 - Mortgagors are under pressure from rising interest rates. At the same time, the majority of new mortgagors continue to have good margins in their personal…
Publicerad 2022-12-16 - The minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) is designed in such a way that the banks can breach it before they breach the capital…
Publicerad 2022-12-13 - In 2019, FI’s overarching mandate was expanded to include a responsibility to ensure that the financial system contributes to sustainable development. FI is…
Publicerad 2022-11-29 - High inflation has led to rapidly rising interest rates. Given the current rapid change in conditions, both participants on the financial markets and…
Stability in the financial system 2002:2
Macro-based stress tests of Swedish banks: results and method, Autumn 2022
Publicerad 2022-05-31 - Interest rates and interest rate expectations have increased in 2022 due to high and rising inflation. One sector that is vulnerable to rising interest rates…
Publicerad 2022-04-28 - In this FI Analysis, we study how the risk weight floor has impacted the banks’ lending to CRE firms using detailed lending data. The aim is to analyse…
FI Analysis 36: Has FI’s risk weight floor had an impact on banks’ CRE lending?
Publicerad 2022-04-20 - Swedish households continue to take increasingly larger loans. More new mortgagors than in previous years had both a high loan-to-income ratio and a high…
Publicerad 2021-11-23 - Sweden’s economy has largely recovered and there is good access to financing in the financial system. The Riksbank should therefore begin the phase-out of…
Publicerad 2021-06-30 - Since 2010, FI has implemented a number of macroprudential measures aimed at increasing the resilience in the financial system and subduing the risks…
Overall assessment of macroprudential measures (Summary and chapter on FI’s overall assessment)
Publicerad 2021-06-30 - The temporary amortisation exemption resulted in new mortgagors borrowing almost 4 per cent more and buying homes that were approximately 1 per cent more…
FI Analys No 34: Temporary amortisation exemption led to new mortgagors borrowing
Publicerad 2021-06-10 - The ability to borrow is beneficial to households in many ways. At the same time, debt can make their consumption more sensitive to unexpected changes in…
Publicerad 2021-06-01 - The economy is continuing to recover. Support measures have been necessary to speed up the recovery, but they need to be gradually phased out as the economy…
Publicerad 2021-03-24 - New borrowers continue to take larger mortgages in relation to their income and the value of their home. At the same time, they have good margins for…
Publicerad 2021-03-18 - Finansinspektionen has an assignment to promote the financial system’s contribution to sustainable development. The sustainability report outlines the current…
Publicerad 2021-01-19 - This FI Analysis describes how vulnerabilities from lending to non-financial firms arise and why FI needs to follow them to fulfil its assignment to safeguard…
FI-analys 27: Non-financial firms and financial stability: a description of vulnerabilities
Publicerad 2020-11-25 - The pandemic has triggered a deep economic recession in many countries, even if a slight recovery has begun. Extensive support measures have mitigated the…
Stability in the Financial System
FI Analysis 26: Macro-based credit loss model for major Swedish banks
Publicerad 2020-11-24 - Large credit losses can result in otherwise profitable banks reporting a loss. This FI Analysis describes a methodology for estimating how large credit losses…
FI Analysis No 26: Macro-based credit loss model for major Swedish banks
Publicerad 2020-11-17 - In this FI Analysis, we calculate the impact of a change to the interest deduction. The reason for this analysis is the direct link between interest deductions and households’ loans.
FI Analysis 25: Interest rate deductions and households’ loans
Publicerad 2020-11-11 - This FI Analysis describes the stress test FI used to analyse how the commercial real estate firms' financial position, and the banks' related credit risks, can be affected by a negative macroeconomic development.
FI Analysis 24: Stress test of bank lending to commercial real estate firms
Publicerad 2020-10-14 - The access of non-financial firms to credit is central for financial stability, particularly during financial crises. In recent years, the market for…
FI Analysis 23: Can the bond market dampen the credit cycle?
Publicerad 2020-06-09 - Many banks are working actively with continuity management and have implemented key measures to reduce the risk of serious disruptions. At the same time, FI…
Publicerad 2020-06-04 - The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in an exceptional stress for the real economy. Governments, central banks and supervisory authorities have implemented…
Publicerad 2020-04-02 - The percentage of new mortgagors with a high level of debt in relation to either their income or the value of the home continues to be high. New mortgagors in…